Event: mQUIT Service: Certified Smoking Cessation Service Provider (CSCSP) Refresher Course + VIVA
Date: 19th June 2021 (Saturday)
Venue: Online (ZOOM or Google Meet)
mQuit service is a collaborative effort from the Ministry of Health, Malaysian Academy of Pharmacy (MAP), Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS) and various other partners. The main objective of this service is to carry out smoking cessation programme in Malaysia involving both public and private sector. Community pharmacy is an important channel for providing mQuit service. Many pharmacists have gone through the Certified Smoking Cessation Service Provider (CSCSP) programme conducted by the MAP and MPS. This is to help pharmacists acquire additional knowledge and skills to counsel smokers to quit smoking. This was started since 2004. This program has been developed with the assistance of the Department of Public Health of the Ministry of Health, C-Tob (Clearing House of Tobacco Control of the National Poison Center) and other collaborators.
There are 2 parts to this programme. Level 1 is the online CSCSP module available at the MAP website (http://www.acadpharm.org.my/index.cfm?&menuid=2). Passing this module is the pre-requisite to sit for Level 2 workshop, which includes practical training and assessment via the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) or viva. After passing the Level 2, there will be an audit of the premise before the pharmacy is included as one of the mQuit centers, available at: http://jomquit.moh.gov.my/mquitcenters.